Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Immaculate delivery

Pearl is born!

One Year Party

So I've two birthdays to report and I'm going to start with the one I missed posting on in October. Suzy had her first birthday party at our house to celebrate the age of one. I think that she loved almost as much as the rest of us.

Some much fun that it even carried over into the next day...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lagoon Day

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Visit to Abbey of Our Lady of The Holy Trinity

It's in Huntsville Utah.
It has the best honey and even better monks.

It also has Father Patrick.
Thank God for men like Father Patrick.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Timeshare time at Snowbird

I've been away from the blogging for a couple of months, update time! We stayed over at Snowbird in August and Suzy got to get in some pool time. She loves the water.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Lake of the BEAR!

Every year in July we go to Bear Lake. This year was the first for Suzy to get to spash around in the water.
No sun for little Sue without a thick layer of sun block first.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Little sister

We've know for some months that Suzy was a big sister. What we just found out was that Suzy's has a little sister. Right now she's living the easy life at Motel Mother. She is doing great with a due date in early December. No names as of yet. Any ideas?

We had some shots where you could see more of her but I liked her foot photo the best.

Why sleep when you can stand?

Suzy has learned to sit, scoot, crawl and stand. All of which are much more fun then sleeping.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Scout Jamboree

Suzy makes use of the crafts booth with the greatest of moms, Becky. Yes folks I am one very luck man.

Notice the last shot where Suzy takes control of the situation with Lanie.
The lower picture shows what cousin Caden was up to at his booth - Tikki place mats in offical scout colors. Suzy seemed to enjoy their taste as well.

Tea and crumpets with marmalade

As you can see Suzy is a big fan of tea time. Thanks to cousin Gabby she can have a tea party any time that she wants. Some people might think it uncouth to have tea on tile but I say nay, nay I say.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Grandpa time

This picture is just cute. Its our own Suebear with Grandpa Dick. I was thinking we could start a caption contest with the pictures. Yeah, I know so original.

For this one how about "Grandpa, hold me up to the camera."

OK so it's early in the morning and I'm not feeling very funny ha ha.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Any given day

First comes play time.

Then comes sleep time.

No bike equals more time for my creative side

Now that I'm no longer on the bike one might ask if I've got a little to much free time. I keep busy enough. I know, I know what does this have to do with little Suzy? Well she and Mom are on the audio portion of the video enjoying the show so...

Spring time in the front yard

OK so Summer is almost here as well but I had to get some pictures out of Suzy from April. It has been a month since the last post so I've got some work to do. Suzy is a big fan of outsides.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My cousin's cousin cousin's cousin

Suzy got a visit from Dale and Dorothy. They are our local connection to everyone back east and live just two hours south of us. Dorothy is my Dad's cousin and my sister's Godmother. These two are the cutest couple and very sweet for taking some time before their drive home to visit. As Becky would say - We love you guys!

Stewart Rebecca

We have a cat. If Suzy hadn't come along this would be his blog.

Suzy has a play date

Haddie stopped by for a visit. Her and Suzy as just about a week apart. Can you tell which one is the older? Mom is pretty excited about holding two babies at once. Suzy is one lucky daughter to have a mom like our Becky.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Green Bay Represent

Suzy has a wonderful wardrobe and smells great after a bath thanks to the shower that was thrown for her via mail. Many great gifts from the family back (mid)east. Suzy just has one question, when are the Packers going to get Brett some receiver support?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Suzy [snake] Charmer

We found a snake in our yard. A snake in our yard in January. Suzy's not afraid.
(Grandma Alert: Toy snake bought at store, put the phone down.)

Suzy is also a dad and mom charmer.
"Do you want a pony?"

Marriage Blessing

Becky and I met on New Year's Eve back in 1994/1995. While we've been married since 1999 I was due for some restating of my original vows. So on the Feast of the Holy Family (aka New Year's Eve) we had our marriage blessed in the Catholic Church. Father Gally was our priest for the occasion (below). It was a great ceremony and the food afterwards at our house was wonderful. Thanks to the Buchmiller sisters.

Pictures include Uncle Shane to the right, Aunts Lisa and Sydney below and of course the grand parents.

Suzy was so happy that she cried. Out loud.

Sobieski Christmas

Aunt Joyce saves the day on getting into a Suzy picture. She also saved our day by making some very nice baby blankets for little Sue. The only other person to get in on the photo taking was a Conway. Cousin Harrison. He is already taller then Becky.

Buchmiller XMass

People. Please. If you want your moments captured on this blog (and I know that you do) you have to start getting in the frame with Suzy. No Suzy in the picture equals it might as well never happened. The Buchmiller Christmas(s) party is a example and as you can see only a select few new the rules. Congratulations go out to the following smarties: Maggie Rebecca, Johnny Red, Caroline, and Grandma B. The rest of you need to get your act together.

...worth a thousand words.

A quick comment on my comments.

So I'm planning on this blog thing as being a chance to put up pictures of Suzy and her life. So I'll keep the commentary to a low. This one being the exception. Anyway please ignore my lack of coherent thought in my accompanying picture posts. I'm in high volume mode right now so that I can get caught up on Suzy's first six months.

The Maxfield Greats

Suzy has some Great Aunts and Uncles. That joke never gets old with me. These are some shots of the Maxfield Clan. Robynne and Melodee have the first shot with Suzy and some very thick winter coats for baby. Suzy has some good men around her as well with Uncle Rick and Uncle Jim.

There great!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Uncle Jeff turns 40 (and lives to tell)

You'll notice that Jeff got some iPod style hearing aids so that he can keep current with all the hip speak going on around him.

Uncle Mike and Aunt Dana with Suzy. I've got all kinds of ideas on what to say about Dana's happy face but I think I'd better let it go. Suzy has some great dark hair in this shot. It is almost gone now with some blonde peach fuzz growing in.