Sunday, May 6, 2007

My cousin's cousin cousin's cousin

Suzy got a visit from Dale and Dorothy. They are our local connection to everyone back east and live just two hours south of us. Dorothy is my Dad's cousin and my sister's Godmother. These two are the cutest couple and very sweet for taking some time before their drive home to visit. As Becky would say - We love you guys!

Stewart Rebecca

We have a cat. If Suzy hadn't come along this would be his blog.

Suzy has a play date

Haddie stopped by for a visit. Her and Suzy as just about a week apart. Can you tell which one is the older? Mom is pretty excited about holding two babies at once. Suzy is one lucky daughter to have a mom like our Becky.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Green Bay Represent

Suzy has a wonderful wardrobe and smells great after a bath thanks to the shower that was thrown for her via mail. Many great gifts from the family back (mid)east. Suzy just has one question, when are the Packers going to get Brett some receiver support?