Saturday, June 23, 2007

Scout Jamboree

Suzy makes use of the crafts booth with the greatest of moms, Becky. Yes folks I am one very luck man.

Notice the last shot where Suzy takes control of the situation with Lanie.
The lower picture shows what cousin Caden was up to at his booth - Tikki place mats in offical scout colors. Suzy seemed to enjoy their taste as well.

Tea and crumpets with marmalade

As you can see Suzy is a big fan of tea time. Thanks to cousin Gabby she can have a tea party any time that she wants. Some people might think it uncouth to have tea on tile but I say nay, nay I say.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Grandpa time

This picture is just cute. Its our own Suebear with Grandpa Dick. I was thinking we could start a caption contest with the pictures. Yeah, I know so original.

For this one how about "Grandpa, hold me up to the camera."

OK so it's early in the morning and I'm not feeling very funny ha ha.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Any given day

First comes play time.

Then comes sleep time.

No bike equals more time for my creative side

Now that I'm no longer on the bike one might ask if I've got a little to much free time. I keep busy enough. I know, I know what does this have to do with little Suzy? Well she and Mom are on the audio portion of the video enjoying the show so...

Spring time in the front yard

OK so Summer is almost here as well but I had to get some pictures out of Suzy from April. It has been a month since the last post so I've got some work to do. Suzy is a big fan of outsides.